Guys, this is for you. How many times did you feel that you liked a girl, but had no idea how to tackle her? So, you decided to abort the mission. Do you have any idea what that causes you long term? You got that right, a low self-esteem.
I am one of the guys that suffer from this syndrome. But when I started to feel very bad about myself, I decided that I should make some changes or else… I would lose the chance to be with the girl of my dreams, Alice.
So, I’ve put myself together and self-analyzed my goods and bads. The conclusion was that I am a good guy that does not know how to do the talking. So, it was is it, then I decided to become not a good guy, but an awesome one.
There is this understatement that men are not allowed to be sad. Men do not care, men do not suffer. It is said that men always find their words in a relationship and always get what they want from women. This is a complete myth.
Men are also human beings with feelings. Most of the times, they are even more sensitive than women. They also feel alone and frustrated and can suffer from disappointment.
So, when I found out about this guide and tried it and it changed my life, I felt the need to tell the world that it works. I want all men to know that there are solutions for them as well.
Back to the program now. One of my friends told about this guide, yet I felt ashamed to ask more. I had to appear less affected than I actually was in front of the others. So, I faked I didn’t care about any guide. But, after hearing some insights that sounded about what I needed, I went home and made some research upon it.
So, here is my review on Make Small Talk Sexy.
Who is the author of this guide?
Bobby Rio is a chief editor of TSB Magazine, an author, a dating professional, a pickup artist and also the creator of this guide that reveals the right techniques to get into a conversation with a girl you like. What is even more interesting is that it does not refer to a certain kind of woman, but it can be applied to any kind of woman.
Bobby Rio’s guide is different from any other guide because it debates some inside issues that no other guide does. It does not stop to some general information that you can find anywhere else. To be more specific, the program contains 7 parts that cover different themes on how to create an engaging conversation. It also provides some interesting techniques on how to conduct the discussion where you want to.
What does Make Small Talk Sexy mean?
In a few words, it is a program that shows men some interesting and handy techniques to make conversations with a woman sexy and fun. This will ensure that the discussion is on the correct track. If a woman thinks that you are fun and sexy through what you say, everything else falls into its place effortlessly.
What you need to do is to fully commit to changing, to discovering and developing the best version of yourself. It will be fun and interesting. I now know some things about me that I find spectacular and that I use in my social life. Due to that, my social skills are improving every day. I feel like a newborn.
The best thing about it is that you get to choose what you want. After choosing, you have the steps toward your transformation. Simple steps, explained in a light language, very comprehensible.
This guide means that you will be able to carry out a conversation without ever having to fear that you are too fat, or too poor or too blond. Because yes, men also get frustrations about their looks and mostly their economic position. It is completely wrong.
This guide cures all this misconception and turns you into the charming guy that any girl would want.
The main features of the guide
Bobby Rio makes sure to cover about everything that a man should know before hitting on a girl. The art of conversation can bring you satisfactions that you never thought about. I didn’t for sure. So, here’s an overview of the main features of this program:
• how to create an emotional conversation. The art of making the woman not only hear you but also feel what you tell her
• 4 steps on how to make a conversation smooth and natural for both you and the girl that you talk to
• how to conduct a conversation with a lady with the purpose of making a lady understand that you want more than a simple friendship
• how to make her remember you and never stop thinking about you
The Pros And Cons
Just like any other product that we review, let us see what are the benefits and the cons of this one as well.
The Pros
1. The guide is also practical, not only theoretical
I got to the conclusion that most of this kind of programs are overloaded with pure theory. Nothing practical inside. The advantage of this guide is that it describes how to actually practice the strategies within. That means that you can expect real results.
For me, being taught how to do it is vital. I am clumsy and need to be guided. Only with this guide, I managed to conquer my timidity.
2. Is it rather specific than general
Unlike most of the guides out there, this one is not focused on some general information that we all know in fact. It provides specific, accurate and applicable knowledge that comes in a package with the very useful How to.
3. The author provides bonuses
One month membership to the “Social Training Lab” Program, an access to the Conversation Steroids video program, and interesting “cheat cards”.
So, considering all this, the guide is a good investment, as what you purchase comes with a generous bonus. Plus, all the extra is useful and unique.
4. Helps anybody to become more open to discussions
Your social skills will suffer positive changes only. You will get to see the bigger picture and become more open. You will meet your friends more and it will also help you with your professional projects.
The guide is indeed complex and important. It covers all your life, not only the personal one.
5. You can claim your money back
If you feel that the course isn’t what you expected, you have eight weeks at your disposal to claim your money back. You will receive a refund without any question.
The Cons
1. There is only an audio version of the course
This guide is only available in audio version. A transcription and even a video format would be great indeed.
2. It is online available online
There is no written copy of this program. You can only find it if you have an internet connection and a decent speed of the internet connection. Unfortunately, there is no information about any future hard copy of this product. It would, thus, be great to have one.
3. The tendency to repeat some information
The author has the tendency to repeat some information along the course. I find it rather unnecessary. Still, it helps you keep in mind things easier.
My final verdict
The policy of refund makes this guide very reliable. Also, the great feedback that the author gathers gives him the credits of a good author. He is also a professional with a great background in writing and not only. So, yes, he should be taken into consideration.
Personally, when I heard about the guide I didn’t have high expectations. But I was very sure about one thing: I needed a change and a powerful boost to make it. From the very start, this guide seemed pro missing to me. It turned out to be perfect, as a matter of fact.
I started with little steps, just like the guide teaches you. I did not settle unattainable standards, I did not expect overnight miracles, but I committed. It is what I invite you to do. Be aware of the changes that you need to do in your life. Find a fit guide. Turn it into your best companion. Do not expect overnight miracles.
After using the guide, do as I did. Give feedback for it. If you obtained positive results don’t be a maybe. Share your experience with other people that might also need it and let them know that it works. It is how I decided to share my experience with you.
Furthermore, I strongly recommend this risk-free program. In fact, if you decide that it is not for you, you can claim your money back in 60 days from purchase.
Good luck with the program! Have faith, it will eventually turn you into the best version of yourself.