The Walking Code

Most guys are always bothered about trying to get the best opening line to speak to girls. But this is not always needed, as it is possible to attract a woman without actually speaking.
I am sure you must have noticed that man who walks down the hall and eyes follow? Well, having the capacity to draw in women without having to speak draws away pressure. It is more relaxing as you do not have to start stressing on what to say. The conversation with the lady is easier because you have observed her interest.

But how is this possible?

The answer to this varies but most times it has to do with your body language. 

Why is body language crucial?

Women can determine lots of things about you just by your body language. If you want to exude confidence that would make women drawn to you, Great Body Language is crucial.
Confident body language which is appealing to women can be shown if you stand tall. This is standing like there is a string from your spine base drawing you up via the crown of your head. Your shoulders should be relaxed and kept back with your head facing up with a smile. Standing with you back slouched or arms folded is usually not a very good idea.
Confidence can be shown via body language also by getting rid of fidgeting and excess movement. Try walking with direction and purpose. Being in charge of your body language would portray you in a confident and powerful light women desire.

What if you don’t have this?

Check yourself, do you have this? If you have observed you lack these then it could be the reason for your issues. The good news is that it is not too late and it can still be corrected with proper guidance. If you are determined and willing to learn, you would be getting the girl of your dreams in no time.

What do you need?

What you need is a guide that would show you how to get the girl you desire using body language. A guide that would teach you to move with confidence and get any girl you desire. A program that would teach you how to get women just by walking in a room.

What is the solution?

The solution is known as the program Walking Code. 

What exactly is the Walking Code?

Walking code is a detailed guide by James Knight. It provides knowledge of the science of attraction. It also transforms it a quick exercise which changes the way you think and gets things done.
The Walking Code guide gives men the capacity to get back movement in their body. This is done using exercises that are simple and can be followed with ease. Men who buy this product would be taught ways to move. In no time, they will learn to move in ways that attract women just by moving.
Basically, the guide teaches you how movement and body language have an impact on the way women respond to men. Through a commanding presence, good posture and movement, You will learn how to draw women in.
If you suffer from injuries, the program also assists in your rehabilitation. The program places emphasis on naturally freeing your hips. It will also aid in aligning your hips, rib cage, and your feet. Having tight hips can result in back pain and various kinds of pain.

About the Author

James Knight is the author of this guide alongside Bob Brinded. They are one of the most renowned kinesiologists around the globe when it has to do with sports and attraction.

James Knight has a client base which consists of high profile athletes who love parting with huge sums of funds. This is because they do not mind what they spend to get great results on their sports performance and body.
But even with his success, this man has put down his secrets in this great program. This guide would be significant to a lot of men worldwide. You can also take advantage of these secrets by buying this guide.

What does the guide consist of?

The guide consists of 4 ready-made and complete programs that can be followed with ease. It also consists of some other benefits, some of which include:
  • 21 exercise instructional videos
  • 11 system instructional videos
  • 21 follow-along video exercises

Additionally, it contains:

  • Exercises for strength and integration
  • complete mobilization control library
  • 3 additional bonus audios.
  • 100 percent digital delivery for quick continuous access.

How does the walking code function?

This guide works by showing men the best ways to eradicate any muscle or joint pain they suffer from. The essence of that is to aid them in regaining great health for their body and work upright. This, in turn, would increase the confidence exuded by their body and help them draw in women.
The program would place emphasis on men’s hips so and help them move in a more natural and fluid manner. The movement would stop being rigid since It brings the entire body into alignment. The correct alignment would aid in averting any health issues being experienced by the man.

What are the benefits you attain from this program?

According to this guide, there are numerous benefits men stand to gain. Some of them consist of:
  • Men would not have to be bothered about moving or dancing in an uncoordinated manner when dancing. Basically, this is done by increasing hip flexibility.
  • By ensuring the man’s body is properly aligned, the posture and height would change. This would aid in making him more attractive to women.
  • The man’s body would become more symmetrically leveled to prevent any health issues. Even when the man is doing nothing asides standing, he would be able to draw the attention of Women.
  • Any pain experienced by the man from injuries or work which makes him sit all day would be eradicated. In addition, there will be an enhancement of the respiratory tract. This provides the cardiovascular system function in a more enhanced method.

Who should buy this product?

This guide does not function on measures which are exclusive. If you are a man who desires to get the attention of that lady you have been crushing on. If you believe you do not possess all that your body requires, then you do not have to be bothered. This product is ideal for you.

Reprogramming the way you walk is an attraction code which is hidden. Once you have uncovered the secret, it would be like your eyes was covered all this while. If you are one of those men who feel women are unable to see him, this is your best option.
It does not matter if you are not attractive or if you do not have the ideal body. It also does not matter how much clothes or money you possess when it comes to getting the woman you desire. What is crucial to women is the man’s attitude and countenance and this program shows you just how to do this.

Does this program work?

The program consists of lessons to aid you in aligning your posture. If you can take the time and learn what the program has to offer, it will certainly work. You can also check out the testimonials of others who have utilized it on the website.

Final verdict

This is a great guide for men who want to draw in the women they desire. Additionally, it can aid in eradicating any muscle and joint pain. Buy your copy today and exploit the many benefits this guide has to offer.


  • The program aids you In learning how to draw in women effortlessly
  • It teaches you how to treat injuries by fixing your movement. Also, it helps with the  hips and posture
  • It comes alongside money back guarantee which lasts for 60days. Basically, customers who don’t find this guide satisfactory get a full refund.
  • The results happen almost immediately. If you are in a rush, you would begin to feel the impact and difference instantly.
  • Also, the exercises in this program aid in reprograming your physique and mind to bring about an effortless attraction.
  • It consists of easy and simple steps that one can adapt to with ease
  • In comparison to other product, this offers you with the signing bonuses. Additionally, this proves the less possibility of it being a scam


  • It is not a physical product but a digital one. If you prefer something physical then you may have to adjust.


The walking code review aims to show men ways to attract beautiful women through movement. The guide has an impact on the signals they send out which in turn projects an aura of masculinity which is irresistible.
This is based on the way ladies notice how you move and make and assess how attractive you are unconscious. With this guide, you can move and walk in a way that ladies see you as powerful and strong.